2024 | Full Service E-Rate Consulting Services | E-Rate Advantage

Asset Management for E-Rate Compliance

All E-Rate purchased equipment must stay at the entity indicated on the 471 application for at least 3 years. If the entity moves, the equipment must go with them. Starting with the 2021/2022 E-Rate funding year, equipment no longer needs to stay at a specific school within a district or library branch within a library


Children’s Internet Protection Act

Children’s Internet Protection Act Every E-Rate applicant that participates in the E-Rate program must be CIPA compliant. If this is the first time your school or library is applying for E-Rate funding, you have 1 year from the start of your first funding year to become CIPA compliant. For those schools and libraries who have


E-Rate 2025 Timeline

Most schools and libraries have too much to do and not enough time or resources to get everything done for the E-Rate application process. One thing that can help free up some time and resources is tackling your E-Rate application process early and setting reasonable timelines.   Here is a sample E-Rate application process timeline.


2024 Florida Charter School Conference

This year’s 2024 Florida Charter School Conference will be held in Florida from November 19-21, 2024, at the Caribe Royale Orlando. If you’re planning to attend, please stop by our booth. We’d love to discuss E-Rate with you! The E-Rate program can potentially offer your school a 90% discount on your internet bills and an

The E-Rate Program can be Confusing and Time Consuming
We Would Love to Help!
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